Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Rules: Dating Advice for Grownups

Let's Hear it for the Boys!

Guys, whether you're newly single or have been on your own for awhile, here are a few dating pointers you should consider before getting involved again:
  • Most women of our generation are seeking an honest monogamous long-term relationship that is better than the one they got out of. We are not interested in casual sex or "friendship."
  • Make a list of the attributes you want in a mate, and decide which traits are deal-breakers. Think with your heart, and not your genitals. Stick to your guns. For example, if smoking is on your deal-breaker list, don't get bedazzled by her charms and overlook her habit. All too often, men end up in a relationship that is worse than the one they got out of, or they marry an inferior version of the same person.
  • While most of the adult women you meet have their own careers and their own money, she will not be impressed if you expect her to split the bill. She has likely already invested in your date by having her hair and nails done and by buying a new outfit. When you pick up the tab, you are saying that you value her efforts and the time she is spending with you.
  • When you are genuinely interested in a woman, don't rush to have sex. Go by the third date rule. If, after date three, you are certain that you want to take the relationship to the next level, make sure she is also interested and ready. If she says she is not ready yet, ask yourself if she's worth waiting for. If you can honestly say yes, then wait.
  • If you are only interested in hooking up for casual sex, stay out of the mainstream dating sites. Try craigslist or the local red light district. And be sure to wear a condom!

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